Sunday, June 18, 2017

Grab Hold With All Your Might

The time has come
It's in the layers
It's in the layers
It's in the layers
In the scents and colors both perfect and onion 
It's in the bitterness and the warmth of a blanket sewn so perfectly for the weight of my skin
It's the rubbed in shine, sunlight glinting
Oh the elbow grease it took to light up this life
This one chance we have to make something that matters
Let me forget myself so that others might realize themselves
I have within me a power that will crack the center of the earth with my whisper of say so
I will reign in my whisper so that I can caress the softest skin with truth
The toughest skin and scar tissue with hope
I will control the fire in these first hours 
With wisdom and understanding
Knowing that this blaze will produce a diamond that will alight on the finger of humanity
Making us all richer for the realization 
That we are together, intertwined and one, even in our vast differences
I am undone by the tapestry of our future
Let us grasp our destinies, our supposed to be, our this is what I was born for
For such a time as this, we have been called and set apart
Part the sea with your staff, never look back and never apologize
The time has come

Thursday, March 9, 2017

It's Clearer Up Here

Aerial View

We saw you, when the earth shook you loose,
Build a ladder from your backbones
To climb back up, day after day

We saw you in the bitter frost & the cold,
Circle your hearts
Passing an ember from hand to hand
Until you glowed from within once again

We saw you in the night, silent and shattered
Staring into the darkness
Until the path was awash in your light
So while you stumbled, you never fell.

We saw you in the brush strokes & tears,
Create something new from what was past
Until the old and dusty gallery
Sang with your colors

We saw you in the sun tipped mist of morning,
Breathe deeply as life was rekindled
In the eyes of a boy and the smile of a girl

We see you, in the drought and the deluge
Keeping your vigil
Candle flames holding steady, staying true

We see you, your footprints in the valley
Your broken nails in the mountainside
Your words ever weaving a guide rope
For those to come

We see you, laughter and cornerstones your legacy
Hundreds bearing witness to the work of your hands.
The beat of your hearts giving us the air.

We see you.