Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Heart Full of Beauty

This is for my ethereal niece, Lizzy (Elizabeth Noel Miller). She is an amazing little girl!!! I love you Lizzy!!!


She’s beautiful, draped in ribbons of light
She knows where to find silver secrets
Her blue eyes have seen magic in the night
She knows the whole story and believes it

She cartwheels through the summer sun
She pirouettes on violet moonbeams
Her dance has only just begun
Her music written on a heart’s dream

She’s precious, like a shimmering unknown
Yet every angel knows her name
We may never see what she’s been shown
But she’ll share it all the same

She alights like a dream on the edge of the wind
And laughs from within and without
Intertwined with light that never will dim
Her destiny sings, a whispering shout

She offers all that shines within her
To the ones she knows and loves
Hold her hand and feel your heart stir
Be swept away by a winter dove



  1. Oh goodness, my heart. My Elizabeth. My Jesus. Oh goodness.

  2. How do you comment on that? Laurie, it moved me to tears. You capture the grace that is Lizzy.

  3. What an amazing gift to our precious Lizzy! Scott & Shannon, you have been blessed with this other worldy child. I know you are well aware of that fact. And your efforts in guiding and protecting her should be celebrated! Love and miss you all!!!

    From Becky :)
